
Are Your Bowel Movements Healthy?

Let’s chat about your bowel movements. Did you just cringe a bit? Let’s face it, poop isn’t anybody’s favourite topic. Nonetheless, our bowel movements hold valuable clues to our overall health. But these signs are often ignored because most of us are a bit uncomfortable talking about them – even to our healthcare providers. Your

B Vitamins: Are You Getting Enough?

B vitamins are sometimes called the energy vitamins, since they help put a spring in your step and play an important role in maintaining your energy levels. In fact, they play such a key role that perhaps they should also be called the “Brisk, Bouncy, and Bright” vitamins.  In actuality, there are eight different kinds

Hyper or Hypothyroidism: Often Misdiagnosed

Your thyroid is your body’s powerhouse. Your energy levels, metabolism, and heart rate are all controlled by this small, butterfly-shaped gland, that sits on your lower trachea. Without enough thyroid hormone, your mitochondria aren’t able to produce the energy that your cells need for optimum performance. At the other end of the spectrum, your body

Is Candida Causing Your Tummy Troubles?

Brain fog and difficult concentration, mysterious skin rashes, bloating, constipation and you’re always ready to eat something sweet? You could be suffering from fungal overgrowth. What is Fungal Overgrowth? There are many types of yeasts in our intestines that can overgrow. The Candida species is the most common kind of yeast that co-exists with humans.

Tips for Adult Acne

Growing numbers of women are dismayed to discover they didn’t leave acne behind when they finished high school. Yes, it might seem like a cruel joke, but it’s possible to have pimples and wrinkles at the same time. In fact, 54 percent of women over 25 experience some acne. And the numbers are expected to

Tips for Optimum Brain Health

Should you be concerned about your cognitive health? Consider these facts: Dementia affects between five and eight percent of adults over 60. As the average age of the population rises, that could add up to an astounding 150 million people with dementia worldwide by 2050. Dementia is more complex than most people realize. Although Alzheimer’s

Kick Start Your Metabolism

Now that we’re through December and heavy, holiday foods have left us feeling bloated and sluggish, it’s time to figure out how to get back in the swing of things. And, if you’ve set New Year’s Intentions that include healthier eating and activity, then starting with a kick start to your metabolism can help make

Alcohol: Is Any Amount Safe?

A glass of wine with dinner. A beer after a hard day of work. It’s not hard to integrate an occasional drink with a healthy lifestyle. Or is it? In recent years, we’ve read that red wine is rich with antioxidants, and that an occasional beer can raise “good” cholesterol. But results from a new

Top 10 Tips for Healthy Holidays

Are you enjoying the final stretch of 2018? It’s a fantastic and fun time of the year. Unfortunately, it’s also a difficult period for maintaining healthy habits. Check out our list of the top 10 ways to stay healthy and happy over the holiday season. Reframe your holiday expectations. Consider this: If you think of

Intermittent Fasting for a Longer, Healthier Life

Fasting is one of the oldest therapies in medicine, recognized for its ability to help heal and prevent disease. When done under the proper guidance of a healthcare professional, intermittent fasting can lead to effective weight loss and long-term health benefits. Fasting Versus Starving: A Big Difference So, you might be wondering, what’s the difference

Office Hours

Monday: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Phone: (480) 833-0302
Fax: (480) 494-5770


6402 E Superstition Springs Blvd Suite 123, Mesa, AZ 85206

Achieve Your Health Aims