In a article published 2/3/15, by the New York Times, researchers discovered that 79% of herbal supplements in health food stores, supermarkets, drug stores did NOT contain what they say they do on the label. Supplements were tested from Walmart, GNC, Target and Walgreens, and 4 out of 5 of the products did not contain the ingredients they said they did.
The companies which our clinic, AIMS, carry are not over the counter brands. The companies we use absolutely 100% put into their products what the label says. All our companies have excelled beyond FDA requirements for Good Manufacturing Practices, and do more quality testing upon raw materials and finished products than the government requires. They create professional, trustworthy products sold only to medical professionals, to be prescribed as natural medicines to patients.
So, your hard-earned money buys top quality products which will help you return to health and help maintain your health.
To thank you for your loyalty to our high quality medicinary, AIMS has created a Loyalty Supplement Card. Come in at any time to pick one up. For each $20 you spend at our Medicinary we will stamp a box, and when you have spent $200, you will receive 25% off your next supplement purchase.
So, its win-win for patients to use the AIMS Medicinary–1) your products are high quality, with the contents absolutely matching the ingredient label, and 2) you get a huge discount for every $200 spent at AIMS.
So, get off the internet, and out of drugstores and health food stores! Don’t waste your money on products which are not what they say they are! Come to AIMS for the quality you want at very reasonable costs.
– Dr. Mona Morstein